The arrangement is quite convenient. You need to approach us through telephone or by filling up the form provided above. Send us the following details of yours - 1. Full name 2. Birth-place 3. Birth-date 4. Birth-time 5. E-mail ID 6. Telephone no. 7. Your questions/ requirements - and we will inform you the payment applicable to you; depending upon the nature of services required and then give you an appointment for telephonic/Skype/personal consultation on a mutually suitable date and time, which will be approximately within a week from receipt of your details and payment. You will find us fully prepared with complete and detailed presentation beforehand, in all respects, covering all aspects, to make our session effective and a memorable time of your life.
You may send us your payment in cash either through any of your friends in Mumbai Or by Cheque/Demand Draft through a courier Or via direct Bank Account Transfer from your Bank to our Bank; whose details will be provided to you Or through Western Union Money Transfer Or through Credit card/Debit card/ Bank Transfer via PayPal, which accepts your payments even if you don't have PayPal account, in almost all currencies and is renowned world over for absolutely secure transactions. After we inform you the amount payable, just click the ‘Pay now' button of PayPal, installed hereunder, for instant and safe payment.